Monday, January 19, 2009

Fingerless Mitts

I am a big fan of small projects. I should not try something new when I am sick.

I have been wanting to make some fingerless gloves to wear when I am riding. I found a great pattern, but decided not to use the last of my Noro yarn to make up the mitts. I wanted to use all wool, and make something that would keep my hands really warm.

I have a whopper of a cold, and have been sleeping on and off for the last three days. When I could keep my head up, and focus my eyes, I worked on these mitts. Everything I needed I kept within reach of my big chair. When I didn't know how to do something, I made it up, so I wouldn't have to leave the big chair island of comfort.

The first mistake I made with these gave me a seed stitch cuff, rather than the ribbing shown on the pattern. The difference one extra cast on stitch makes! The cuff I made bubbles out, instead of drawing down to the arm. I read the pattern incorrectly, and ended up making the mitt some 20 rounds longer than it should be. I needed to make some increases to shape the thumb gusset. I was able to make some good ones by the time I got into the left mitt. The right mitt is a little longer than the left one.

I have never made anything like these before. The most challenging part, aside from reading the pattern between sneezes, was making the little thumb bit, but then that turned out all right. I think that these mitts will be fine for riding, and I can turn the bubble cuff up around my wrists.

I would like to try a pair of socks soon.

I might also make some knucks, like the ones Bob Cratchit is wearing in this 1915 illustration by Arthur Rackham.

1 comment:

Mary McAndrew said...

I love the story of you not wanting to leave the island of the big chair...makes me think I should write a story! or a poem about a little girl...I'll think about it.

I think the fingerless gloves will be fine for the ring, they'll get dirty anyways! I didn't know what knucks were until I followed your link. I have several pair and like to wear them out nature sketching, sometimes even around the studio when it's cold.
keep knitting!